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Good progress made with the maintenance work on KKP 2

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Improvements to the ventilation system brackets have been realised

Remaining work should be completed in April

Philippsburg. EnBW has made good progress over the past few weeks with the inspection and maintenance work on Block 2 of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant (KKP 2). The inspection activities originally planned for the summer, as well as work to replace the fuel rods, has already been largely completed. The improvements to the brackets holding the ducts for ventilating the emergency core cooling systems have also been realised. The conclusion of this work was preceded by a comprehensive analysis, detailed planning, an audit and examination by the supervisory authority and the production of the required parts.

As already announced at the end of December, the experts at EnBW are going to great lengths to examine the brackets in all buildings at the KKP 2 power plant as part of the refurbishment work. For this purpose, elaborate tests are required that have not yet been fully completed. According to current assessments by EnBW, this will mean that KKP 2 will probably be reconnected to the grid by the middle/end of April.

Findings from the comprehensive analysis are being rigorously implemented

“Safety and precision take precedence over profitability and speed”, underlines Christoph Heil, Managing Director of EnBW Kernkraft GmbH responsible for KKP 2. “We said right from the outset that we will complete a compressive examination. And that is precisely what we are doing, while also keeping the supervisory authorities constantly informed about our findings. We are implementing the measures derived from this examination with a great deal of care. As a result, we are creating the prerequisites for KKP 2 to be reconnected to the grid with the endorsement of the supervisory authorities.”

EnBW removed KKP 2 from the grid for safety-related reasons on 21 December 2016 after damage to ventilation system brackets in the area of the emergency core cooling systems was identified. A comprehensive examination and the planning and implementation of suitable measures was immediately commenced at this time. As it became apparent in January that the planning, auditing and implementation of the maintenance work would still take several weeks to complete, EnBW decided to bring forward the annual inspection of the power plant originally planned for the summer. Another inspection in 2017 will no longer be necessary. EnBW has promptly informed the public about its findings and course of action at all times (see press releases published on 21, 22 and 28 December 2016 and also on 17 January 2017) and reported publicly on the situation at the Information Commission held at the Philippsburg site on 20 February 2017.

About KKP 2 and the nuclear power plants operated by EnBW

Block 2 of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant is a pressurised water reactor with an electrical output of 1,468 megawatts. The power plant was commissioned in 1984 and generated around 10.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2016.

KKP 2 is operated by EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK). EnKK stands for safety in the operation and post operation, as well as the decommissioning and dismantling of the nuclear power plants in Baden-Württemberg. In Neckarwestheim and Philippsburg, EnKK generates electricity with one nuclear power plant at each location (GKN II and KKP 2). Power operation at KKP 2 will cease at the latest at the end of 2019 and at GKN II at the latest at the end of 2022. The safe dismantling of these power plants is then set to commence quickly. The required applications were submitted by EnBW in July 2016.

A further power plant that no longer produces electricity is located at each of the sites (GKN I and KKP 1). EnBW received approval for the decommissioning and dismantling of GKN I at the beginning of February 2017, while the same approval for KKP 1 is expected in the first half of 2017. Good progress has been made with the dismantling of the nuclear power plant at the Obrigheim location since 2008.

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Corporate Communications
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Durlacher Allee 93
76131 Karlsruhe
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