Our energy supply is also based on the constant availability of natural gas. As the lowest-emission fossil fuel, it is used in many ways: primarily for heating but also as a fossil fuel to generate electricity in gas-fired power plants, or as an environmentally friendly fuel on our roads. The gas supply in Germany is secured by a variety of supply sources, long-term gas supply contracts, and secure transport routes as well as gas reserves stored in natural gas storage facilities. They serve to cover consumption peaks and compensate for seasonal fluctuations in consumption. In 2012, at the Etzel site, we commissioned a natural gas storage facility with two caverns.
Gas storage in the Etzel salt dome
20 km south-east of Wilhelmshaven lies the Etzel salt dome, which is used for the storage of natural gas and crude oil. Among other things, strategic crude oil reserves of the Federal Republic of Germany are also stored here. EnBW has had the storage capacity of two gas caverns since 2012. The storage services are marketed by our subsidiary EnBW Etzel Speicher GmbH.
Distribution and marketing of gas storage facilities
For the operation of the gas storage facility and the marketing of storage services, EnBW Etzel Speicher GmbH has a long-term contractual cooperation with Friedeburger Speicherbetriebsgesellschaft mbH “Crystal”, which owns and operates the technical facilities required for storage operation.
EnBW Etzel Speicher GmbH also holds shares in Bunde-Etzel Pipelinegesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, which owns and operates the interconnection pipeline connecting the storage facility to the Dutch grid.
Complaints procedure
EnBW Etzel Speicher GmbH participates in the group-wide complaints procedure of EnBW AG. Various reporting channels are available for notifications of potential or existing violations of laws or regulations in the supply chain of EnBW Etzel Speicher GmbH. Further information can be found here.
For additional information and queries, we are at your disposal at info-EES@enbw.com.
Products and services
Storage bundles, fixed capacities:
For this product, the corresponding capacities are held by EES on a fixed basis in the GTCSDL and combined in a storage bundle, which is subject to other regulations. Filling capacity, working gas capacity and withdrawal capacity are in the following fixed relationship to each other:
- Filling rate: approx. 19.57 MWh/h
- Working gas capacity: approx. 19,608.70 MWh
- Withdrawal rate: approx. 34.09 MWh/h
Unbundled output, fixed capacities:
The corresponding individual capacities (filling capacity, working gas capacity, and withdrawal capacity) are available independently of each other on a fixed basis.
Unbundled output, interruptible capacities:
The corresponding individual capacities (filling capacity, working gas capacity, and withdrawal capacity) are available independently of each other on an interruptible basis.
Further information on the products, including the corresponding fees, can be found in our General Terms and Conditions for Storage Services.
Secondary marketing
There are currently no enquiries/bids for secondary storage capacities.
For additional information and queries, we are at your disposal at info-EES@enbw.com.
Available capacities
- Filling rate: 2,250 MWh/h
- Withdrawal rate: 3,920 MWh/h
- Working gas capacity, fixed: 2,255 GWh
- Working gas capacity, interruptible: 166 GWh
Please send your booking request by email to info-EES@enbw.com.
Technical data
Storage connection:
EnBW Etzel Speicher offers ist customers acces to the market areas TTF and THE via follwoing acces points.
- Entry/exit: Oude Statenzijl (Etzel-Crystal-H)
TSO: Gasunie Transport Services B.V. (GTS)
Market area: TTF - Entry/exit: Etzel (Speicher Crystal), Bitzenlander Weg 10
TSO: Open Grid Europe GmbH
Market area: THE - Entry/exit: UGS ETZEL CRYSTAL
TSO: Gasunie Deutschland Services GmbH (GUD)
Market area: THE
- Type of gas: H-Gas
- Number of caverns: 2
The following start-up and switch-over timer are used for the two market areas
Start-up time for (Re-)nomination (changes of nominations during operation)
30 min
120 min
Start-up time from 0 to injection or withdrawal
30 min
120 min
Switch-over time from injection to withdrawal or vice versa
120 min
180 min
For additional information and queries, we are at your disposal at info-EES@enbw.com.