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Acting today for tomorrow

Sustainability is the guiding principle towards which EnBW orients itself. Every decision and every investment must be measured against this benchmark. Our commitment to sustainability goes far beyond protecting the environment, the climate and natural resources: The current EnBW 2025 strategy has not only become the new horizon on our path to growth but also gives us clear perspectives with respect to sustainability. The expanded sustainability agenda comprises a package of 25 new measures that take ecological, economic and social aspects into account.

Ecological sustainability and climate protection

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Phase-out of coal power and CO₂ neutrality by 2035

One central theme of our sustainable corporate strategy is climate protection. And we have set ourselves an ambitious goal in this regard: We want to become climate neutral with respect to our own emissions across the whole company by 2035. We aim to already reduce the CO₂ emissions at EnBW by 50% by 2030, based on the reference year of 2018. The path to climate neutrality will require the rigorous phasing out of coal-fired generation. According to the Coal Phase-out Act approved by the German Bundestag in 2020, this process must be completed by 2038. EnBW had already phased out 40% of its particularly carbon-intensive electricity generation before this act was passed. A further 2.5 GW will be removed from operation by 2030 and the phase-out process will be fully completed by 2035. To this end, the fuel switch options will be examined. The fuel switch will take place in two stages: firstly from coal to more climate-friendly gas and then in the medium term to climate-neutral gas (biogas or hydrogen). Switching raw materials in this way will not only contribute to maintaining a reliable energy supply but will also help to preserve existing power plant sites.

As has been the case in its previous restructuring activities, EnBW will take the interests of all employees into account during the changes associated with the phasing out of coal. It is our aim to give our employees new perspectives by offering them alternative jobs in growth areas of the company and opportunities for furthering their personal development. We are facing up to the challenges associated with our sustainable corporate strategy using a human resources strategy that places the focus on people.

0 GW
of fossil fuel-fired generation will be removed from operation by 2035, 2.5 GW of which by 2030.
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Climate neutrality by 2035

The main focus of our activities for protecting the climate and environment is the phasing out of electricity generation using fossil fuels.

  • 2018: The expansion of renewable energies was already well underway at EnBW in the reference year.
  • 2030: In just under ten years, we aim to cut our CO₂ emissions in half.
  • 2035: EnBW wants to be climate neutral before the target year set in the Coal Phase-out Act.
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*EnBW’s goal of climate neutrality refers to its own emissions (p. 36 and p. 83 f.)

Economic sustainability

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Consistent investment and a clear growth in earnings

We are transforming ourselves into a sustainable infrastructure partner through consistent investment.
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Achieving economic success and acting responsibly are not conflicting principles that can only be reconciled with great difficulty. Rather, they can exist in a symbiotic relationship with one another. In the past few years, we have invested a huge amount in renewable energies and the expansion of the grids. As part of our EnBW 2025 strategy, we will grow beyond our core area of energy and transform ourselves into a sustainable infrastructure partner. We will expand our business fields renewable energies, electricity grids, e-mobility and broadband, and supplement our activities to include new areas such as the development and operation of entire city districts.

These business activities will require significant investment – a total of around €12 billion by 2025. We also expect to generate significantly higher earnings by 2025 with an adjusted EBITDA of €3.2 billion.

Social sustainability

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People as the main focus

The third pillar depicts the social dimension of sustainability, in which the main focus is placed on people. Alongside quantitative parameters in human resources development, emphasis is being placed on the personal development of employees and maintaining their employability. For example, retraining and further qualification measures were implemented at an early stage in the area of conventional generation at EnBW, in which around 3,400 people are currently employed. Some employees who used to work in a conventional power plant are already applying their technical expertise to, for example, the operation of the company's offshore power plants. In addition, EnBW started a training program for migrants and refugees in 2016. 59 people are currently completing a technical apprenticeship. A record number of apprentices and students also began their first year of training at the company in 2021 and more than 1,000 young professionals are now currently working at EnBW.

Sustainability is frequently perceived as an abstract concept, but it also explicitly begins with every single person and their individual living and working environments. Our employees are the shapers of a sustainable future – both that of the company and also their own. And sustainability starts with what seem to be small steps. That is why we generate awareness for the responsibility employees have in their own personal working environment and motivate employees to get involved: This includes, for example, the goal of reducing paper consumption by up to 90% by 2025 and planning business trips based on considerations relating to carbon emissions, through to a sustainable procurement strategy and sustainable company restaurants.

Furthermore, the expansion of electromobility at EnBW is being accompanied by an offer extended to all 14,000 employees in selected companies in the EnBW Group to lease, at low rates, an electric vehicle, which they can charge at all EnBW sites.

Moreover, EnBW takes its social responsibility seriously in a diverse range of ways. For example, we provide funding and sponsorship to many organizations across Baden-Württemberg, with a focus on education, popular sports and supporting young people.

More than 0 young professionals are now currently working at EnBW.
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Selected measures

Our expanded sustainability agenda comprises a package of 25 new measures. Here, we introduce you to some of them.

More and more electricity from the wind and sun
Wellconnected in today’s world
People as the main focus
A leader in e-mobility
Faces of the transformation
Places to live and to live together