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EnBW Contracting

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We are your partner for an efficient, economical and sustainable energy infrastructure.

Creating sustainable and economical energy solutions is a major challenge for companies and organisations today. Especially with the aim of significantly reducing emissions, ideally to CO₂ neutrality. This requires extensive experience and expertise - as well as experts who know exactly how to realise these challenges together with you. With energy supply contracting, you can make your energy infrastructure more efficient and sustainable without incurring high investment costs of your own. We develop customised concepts to optimise the energy supply for your systems, buildings and infrastructure. This enables us to provide you with comprehensive support in decarbonising your company and jointly drive the transformation towards climate neutrality. We are your partner from planning to operation.

Join us as we move into the future together.

Contracting for the industry

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Get an energy infrastructure that will give you a lasting competitive edge.

As an industrial company, energy is certainly a decisive key to your success in many respects. That's why we support you as a partner in significantly optimising your energy infrastructure - and thus increasing your competitiveness. Not only will you improve your profitability, but you will also take a big, valuable step into the future: with our energy solutions, you will reduce emissions, protect the environment and climate - and become significantly more sustainable. A real energy bundle of added value for your company.

We optimise your energy system without you needing more effort, costs or resources. On the contrary, as your partner, we take a lot off your hands: from planning and modernisation to the operation of your energy supply systems.

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Your benefits

  • Customised solutions for your company: You get exactly the energy infrastructure that fits your processes, needs and goals.
  • Reduce your CO₂ emissions: We have two goals in mind for you. Optimising your energy supply systems and reducing CO₂ emissions. Both sustainably in order to actively contribute to decarbonisation.
  • Concentrate on your core business: we competently take care of everything to do with your energy infrastructure - from planning and implementation to operation. So you can concentrate on your business.
  • Safe and reliable energy: We guarantee that we will provide you with a safe and reliable supply of energy at all times. We can do this because we are one of the largest energy supply companies in Germany.

Contracting for the housing industry

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How your property project benefits from energy contracting

Our goal: We want you and the residents of your property to feel comfortable at all times. That's why, as your partner for contracting solutions, we offer you an all-round carefree package. We advise, plan and realise your optimal heat supply and take care of the smooth operation of the systems.

We make things much easier for your property project because we provide you with modern technology solutions for all aspects of your secure energy and heat supply. Of course, this also applies to sustainable power generation with photovoltaics and energy monitoring through to cooling. We link the sectors from power generation to heat supply. Competently, efficiently and sustainably.

And it gets even better: we also clarify subsidies, know the current subsidy programmes and take care of the financing. For us, it goes without saying that we keep an eye on everything, whether legal requirements, efficient solutions or sustainability.

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Your benefits

  • Increase your energy efficiency: With our modern energy solutions, we significantly increase the energy efficiency of your property. On the one hand, this increases cost-effectiveness and, on the other, reduces CO₂ emissions.
  • Get full transparency: we optimise the energy consumption of your property project with our digital tool EOS Connector. You conveniently receive all data and information on energy consumption - maximum transparency for you.
  • We fulfil all legal requirements: We ensure that the energy solutions we design for you fulfil all applicable legal regulations, environmental requirements and regulatory requirements. Our comprehensive expertise includes all national and European legislation.

Contracting for municipalities

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Achieve your climate targets with EnBW Contracting

Cities and local authorities have a special responsibility to use energy in a resource-efficient, economical and sustainable way. Whether for new builds or the modernisation of municipal buildings, one thing is always a must: significantly reducing energy consumption and the corresponding CO₂ emissions. We approach the energy modernisation of your building step by step. Optionally and if the possibilities allow, we can also combine several properties or together with industrial businesses. Act now so that you and your municipal properties are set up for the future in a timely and economically efficient manner.

But how can climate neutrality be achieved? This requires comprehensive expertise, meticulous planning and an experienced partner. A future-proof energy solution also costs money. High investments are required. The good news: with energy supply contracting, you can make your energy infrastructure more efficient and sustainable without having to make high investment costs of your own. This is because we take care of them - while you reduce your energy requirements and protect the climate. With more than 220 contracting projects that we have already successfully implemented in practice, you can rely on us here.

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Your benefits

  • Benefit from statutory subsidies: We know all the legal, environmental requirements relating to energy - and take care of them for you. So that we receive all the subsidies for optimal financing for your energy solutions and modernisations.
  • Minimise your risks with contracting: You benefit in many ways when we optimise your energy systems - and minimise all risks. As your contractor, we bear the economic risk for the energy-related refurbishments.
  • You receive an all-round maintenance and repair service: We not only take care of the planning, construction and operation of your sustainable and economical energy supply, but also maintenance, servicing and, if necessary, troubleshooting.

Become more independent of the electricity market

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Make yourself less dependent on the energy market, give electricity prices the cold shoulder and save CO₂ at the same time. A local Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) directly at your site is an excellent way to do this. If you have sufficient roof or open space at your location, you can change this significantly - and be at the helm of sustainable power generation yourself. We plan, finance, build and operate your PV system from 1,000 kWp and take care of maintenance, servicing and energy management. Another added value for you: we can feed surplus electricity into the grid for you.

Your outlay is manageable and your benefits enormous. You save costs, become less dependent on the market and also improve your carbon footprint and sustainability. That doesn't just sound great, it is. Let us start your project together.

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You can find us here at E-world:

Hall 5, Stand 5D101

We look forward to seeing you!

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