EnBW lays first submarine cable for He Dreiht offshore wind farm
Karlsruhe/Hamburg. EnBW is laying the first submarine cable for the internal wind farm cabling that connects all 64 wind turbines of the He Dreiht offshore wind farm. The company Seaway7 has been commissioned with the task. Two installation vessels will have laid and buried a total of around 100 kilometers of cable on the seabed of the North Sea by the summer. The cables will then be pulled into the foundations of the wind turbines and connected. Cable manufacturer JDR manufactured the 66-kilovolt submarine cables in the UK.
The internal wind farm cabling will later be connected to the converter platform managed by the transmission system operator TenneT, which is due to be installed at sea in the summer. This is where the generated electricity will be concentrated, converted from alternating current to direct current and brought ashore using two high-voltage DC export cables.
EnBW He Dreiht is currently the largest offshore wind farm in Germany with a total output of 960 megawatts (MW). It is being built about 85 kilometers northwest of Borkum and 110 kilometers west of Heligoland without state funding. Around 2.4 billion euros have been invested in the wind farm. The major project is being coordinated by EnBW’s offshore office in Hamburg. More than 500 people work on this large offshore construction site at peak times and over 60 vessels are involved. The 64 foundations were installed last year. From spring onwards, the latest generation of Vestas wind turbines will be installed, each with an output of 15 MW. EnBW He Dreiht will generate enough electricity to meet the needs of around 1.1 million households.
Further information is available at: Wind power | Company | EnBW
About EnBW
With over 29,000 employees, EnBW is one of the largest energy companies in Germany and Europe. It supplies around 5.5 million customers with electricity and gas. As part of its transformation from a traditional energy company to a sustainable infrastructure group, the expansion of renewable energy sources and of the distribution and transmission grids for electricity, gas and hydrogen are cornerstones of EnBW's growth strategy and the focus of its investments. Until 2030, EnBW plans gross investments of €40 billion. By then, around 80 percent of EnBW's generation portfolio is to consist of renewable energies, and the company aims to phase out coal by the end of 2028. These are key milestones on the road to the company's climate neutrality in 2035.