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EnBW Sverige AB has a new CEO: Mads Miltersen takes charge of the Swedish national subsidiary

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Mads Mitlersen, CEO EnBW Sverige AB

From 1 October, the future of the company in Sweden will lie in the capable hands of Mads Miltersen as the new “Verkställande Direktör” (VD/CEO) of EnBW Sverige AB. Miltersen is an energy expert with a successful career in the Scandinavian electricity markets: Between 2007 and 2016, he was responsible for the business of the Danish energy supply and services company EnergieMidt Holding in Silkeborg / Denmark as CFO and CEO. His expertise in the area of wind power then took him to Rabbelshedekraft AB based near Gothenburg, a company that specialises in the development of wind power projects and the operation of wind turbines, where he was CEO up until the beginning of 2019.

“We are delighted to have secured Mads Miltersen as CEO. His outstanding knowledge of the Scandinavian energy market will help us push forward our expansion plans on the Swedish wind market”, says Dirk Güsewell, Head of Generation Portfolio Development at EnBW.

EnBW Sverige AB is owned by the German energy company EnBW and is based in Falkenberg in Sweden. The national subsidiary was founded in 2018 to realise wind power projects in Sweden. It is currently constructing a wind farm in Rammarehemmet in the municipality of Tidaholm and last December it acquired two operating companies and thus a total installed output of 105 megawatts at seven wind farms in Sweden. In addition, two grid companies were also acquired that, amongst other things, connect up the company's wind farms.

EnBW is a driver of the expansion of wind power in Germany and is following a strategy of selective internationalisation. It is thus active in other countries such as France and Taiwan via other national subsidiaries. EnBW has been represented on the Scandinavian market via its subsidiary Connected Wind Services (CWS) since 2016. The manufacturer-independent service provider CWS is based in Denmark and has subsidiaries with service teams in Sweden and Germany. EnBW achieved a strong position in the area dealing with the servicing and maintenance of wind power plants with the acquisition of CWS.

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Map Onshore activities in Sweden
Mads Mitlersen, CEO EnBW Sverige AB
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