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High-pressure gas calibration facility from EnBW now also internationally accredited

EnBW is now also offering calibrations according to the international standard at its high-pressure gas calibration facility in Stuttgart. This is possible because it received accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 at the end of July.
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EnBW High Pressure Gas Calibration Facility in Stuttgart

EnBW has been performing calibrations at its high-pressure gas calibration facility in Stuttgart for almost thirty years. This facility is a state-certified testing laboratory for gas measurement equipment (GBW 3). According to the head of the facility Lars Bertram, this service is used above all by meter manufacturers, large industrial companies, gas transmission grid operators and also smaller gas suppliers and municipal utilities. With accreditation certificate D-K-14490-03-00 for the calibration laboratory in his hand, he is now turning his attention to new customers such as gas production plants, storage facilities or LNG terminals in Europe and even abroad. On behalf of the DAkkS (national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany), external auditors had previously audited and very closely examined the organisational processes and measurement technology. The high-pressure calibration facility “PasCaLab” is now permitted to carry the DAkkS logo as verification of its quality.

The technical measurements using high-pressure natural gas are carried out in a closed circuit and under realistic conditions. “We are independent of factors such as the operating modes of adjoining exit or transmission grids, the time of the day and climatic conditions”, emphasises Bertram. The calibrations can be carried out on almost all types of meters. The latest systems and automation technology ensure a high level of measurement accuracy.

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Fotograf Guntram Gerst / Bildrechte EnBW (Photos released for press release)
Photo 1: EnBW High Pressure Gas Calibration Facility in Stuttgart
Photo 2: EnBW High Pressure Gas Calibration Facility in Stuttgart
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Ulrich Stark
Press Spokesman Region South-West
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