Transformer platform for offshore wind farm EnBW Albatros installed
The Topside of the Offshore substation of the wind farm EnBW Albatros was installed last night. The Heavy Lift Jack-Up Vessel (HLJV) Pacific Ospray had loaded the Topside in Rotterdam. The HLJV Innovation lifted the Topside on the foundation.
The Topside of the Offshore substation of the wind farm EnBW Albatros was installed last night. The Heavy Lift Jack-Up Vessel (HLJV) Pacific Ospray had loaded the Topside in Rotterdam. In the construction area, the HLJV Innovation lifted the Topside on the foundation (monopile and transition piece) that had already been installed. The Pacific Ospray will be jacked up and remain next to substation because of still outstanding coating and welding work. Afterwards the jack up vessel Seafox2 will come to commission the Offshore substation. The transformer platform for the neighbouring EnBW Hohe See wind farm was already installed in the summer of 2018.
The Heavy Lift Jack-Up Vessel Innovation lifted the Topside on the foundation.