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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions – We Are Happy to Provide Answers

Is it possible to submit an unsolicited application? What does the application process look like? Is it possible to submit multiple applications for multiple positions? When you are looking for a job there are often many questions that arise. Here are all of the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding finding a position and the application process at EnBW. Didn’t find an answer to your question? Then feel free to contact us directly.

General Questions

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You can apply online quickly and easily via our career page. Our online application process only takes a few minutes. Apply with your CV, your XING or LinkedIn profile, or create a profile in the tool itself.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications sent via email.

If you are already employed at EnBW, please use the internal job board to search and apply for open positions.

How do I apply?

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As long as the position is listed on our career page, you can apply for it.

Starting when and for how long can I apply for a position?

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A complete application includes the following documents:

Cover letter

A cover letter is not required. If necessary, we will ask job-specific questions in our application form.


A complete, tabular CV should show the most important stages of your career.

Diplomas and certificates

Complete your application with all relevant diplomas and certificates that provide proof for the qualifications listed in your CV and that support your application.

Which documents do I need for my application?

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You can apply for multiple positions at the same time. Multiple simultaneous applications have no effect on applications already in process.

Can I apply for more than one position?

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The contact details of your contact person can be found in the job posting.

Who is my contact person?

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Salaries depend on the job profile and your personal career experience.

Information on company benefits can be found here.

What are the salaries/benefits?

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We place great value on a fair and transparent application process. We strive to allow all of our applicants, and in particular those with disabilities, to show their best side. We do this by involving our representative for severely disabled persons early in the application process. If we are aware that you have a disability, you are free to decide whether you would like the support of a representative for severely disabled persons during your interview. We would like to emphasize that disclosing a disability is completely voluntary.

What do I need to be aware of as a severely disabled applicant?

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Whether an occupational medical examination is necessary depends on the job you are applying for. You will receive an appointment suggestion from us. The work contract will be concluded under the condition that, according to the occupational physician’s examination, you do not have any limitations for the job you are applying for. Our doctors are obliged to maintain medical confidentiality. We only receive information on whether the physician has any concerns.

What does an occupational medical examination entail?

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Depending on their type of work and location, our employees are allowed to work from home as long as this has been agreed upon with their supervisors. In addition, there is also the option of mobile work thanks to the mobile devices that we provide our employees.

Is it possible to work from home?

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Please only apply for positions that are currently open. Unfortunately we do not take unsolicited applications. All of our open positions can be found on our job board.

Can I submit an unsolicited application?

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Unless a specific time frame is listed in the vacancy description, our open positions are to be filled immediately.

When are the positions listed to be filled?

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At EnBW we do not have a probationary period written into our work contracts. In the first six months, there is a standard period of notice of 6 weeks before the month’s end. After the first six months, the German Protection Against Dismissal Act (KSchG) applies. The current legal regulations on protection against dismissal can be read on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice.

How long is the probationary period at EnBW/Netze BW?