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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions – We Are Happy to Provide Answers

Is it possible to submit an unsolicited application? What does the application process look like? Is it possible to submit multiple applications for multiple positions? When you are looking for a job there are often many questions that arise. Here are all of the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding finding a position and the application process at EnBW. Didn’t find an answer to your question? Then feel free to contact us directly.

Questions on Your Application/Questions on Data Protection

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To do so, please contact your recruiter.

Can I delete documents and/or my applicant account during the application process?

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Your applicant data will automatically anonymized six months after the last application is concluded.

How long will my data be saved?

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Only the department with employees who need the data for the application process will have access to your data. Normally these employees include those in the HR department as well as in the specialist department with the open position. The works council, as per its participation rights, will also have access to the data.

Who has access to my data?

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According to Art. 8 of the GDPR, to process personal data of persons who are younger than 16 years old, we require the consent of their legal representative or legal guardian. For applicants under 16 years of age, the following document must be filled out, signed and included in the documents submitted during the application process. Without this document, the applicant will not be included in the application process!

Declaration of Consent of the Legal Guardian

Are there special rules for the application process if I have not yet turned 16?