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Performance indicators

Performance indicators comparison

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Use interactive graphs to compare EnBW's key performance indicators and target values.

Finance and strategy

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 78 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 78 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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Debt repayment potential

Following the transition to the 2025 growth strategy, the key performance indicator internal financing capability was replaced by the new key performance indicator debt repayment potential in 2021. The debt repayment potential measures the ability of EnBW to repay its debts from its current earnings potential. This performance indicator should enable us to achieve a controlled growth in earnings within the scope of our financial targets, while maintaining a solid investment-grade rating at the same time. To manage our financial profile, we regularly check whether the debt repayment potential complies with the latest requirements of the rating agencies. As it will not be possible to exclusively finance the growth envisioned in our EnBW 2025 strategy using funds from our internal financing capability, the debt repayment potential will replace the internal financing capability from 2021 onwards.

In the reporting year, the retained cash flow was slightly above the forecasted range of €1.6 billion to €1.7 billion. Due to factors that are outside of the company’s influence, such as higher collateral and a rise in the interest rate for pension provisions, the debt repayment potential in the 2021 financial year was significantly higher than the target value of between 11.5% and 12.5%.

Further information can be found on page 88 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 89 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

Customers and society

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 92 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 93 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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SAIDI: System Average Interruption Duration Index. SAIDI states the average duration of supply interruptions per connected end customer in minutes per year and includes all unscheduled interruptions to supply that last more than three minutes for the end consumer.

An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 96 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.


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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 97 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 97 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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The calculation method for the key performance indicator CO₂ intensity will be restricted in future to include only factors that can be controlled by the company. In contrast to previous years, the share related to redispatch that cannot be controlled by EnBW is no longer included. Using the previous calculation method, the CO₂ intensity for the 2021 financial year would have been 492 g/kWh. This performance indicator still excludes nuclear generation. The CO₂ intensity including nuclear generation for the reporting year was 386 g/kWh (previous year: 268 g/kWh).

An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 99 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.


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People Engagement Index (PEI) als neue Top-Leistungskennzahl

The performance indicator was reported for the first time in 2020. No figures are available for the comparative periods 2017 to 2019.

An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 104 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.

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LTIF: Lost Time Injury Frequency. The LTIF for companies controlled by the Group is used to measure the number of accidents at work and the resulting days of absence.

An explanation of the development of this performance indicator in the 2021 financial year can be found on page 108 of the Integrated Annual Report 2021.