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As the service division of Netze BW GmbH, we plan, design, build and operate critical infrastructure for our customers. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and services relating to electricity, gas, water, heating and telecommunications networks as well as a wide range of protection products to municipalities, municipal utilities, industrial customers and the real estate industry: With our concepts and solutions, we realize our customers' visions according to their needs - economically, sustainably and safely.

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Network technology courses

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Grid expansion and operation, electromobility, broadband expansion, digitalization: prepare your employees for the challenging future. Our courses are specially tailored to network operators and service providers and cover the areas of electricity, gas, water and fiber optic technology. We gradually build up comprehensive specialist know-how - right through to master courses and a master's degree in network technology and network operation.

In line with the nationwide expansion of broadband with fiber optic house connections (FTTH), we offer a modular training concept in accordance with the VDE-0800 guidelines, which is based on the fiber optic technology value chain in network level 3. The basic and advanced modules culminate in the IHK certificate for infrastructure specialists in fiber optic network technology

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Our devices undergo a comprehensive quality assurance process that ranges from supplier prequalification to logistics services. This enables us to guarantee the highest quality standards and ensure that our products meet the requirements of our customers, such as municipal utilities, metering point operators and energy supply companies.

We support you in all matters relating to a cross-sector and sustainable smart meter rollout.

You can count on us!

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Target Grid planning

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A stable, efficient distribution grid is essential for a successful energy transition. However, the changes in heat supply (municipal heat planning), the integration of renewable energies, storage technologies, smart grids and e-mobility are confronting the grid with unprecedented challenges. With our many years of experience, we support you in the future-proof expansion of your grid and thus create the conditions for continued largely uninterrupted supply operation in your grid.

For target grid planning, we first assess the current status of the existing infrastructure. This includes the analysis of current grid data, load development and feed-in as well as the calculation and simulation of current capacity utilization. Using a socio-demographic analysis and our own empirical values, we forecast the future requirements of your grid and, based on this, develop several variants that ensure the security of supply and reliability of your grid.

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Markus Steinhauser

Digitale Netzstation Plus (DNS+)

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Digital network stations (DNS+) are a further development of conventional network stations and have a communication connection (LTE or 450 MHz). They can be monitored and controlled from a network control center. This enables precise error localization and a resupply of more than 75% of customers within a very short time in the event of faults. This significantly reduces personnel deployment and travel times for technicians. DNS+ also provides continuous data on the utilization and status of the network for optimal planning of network expansion and predictive maintenance. Secure and centralized device management creates further efficiencies in the operation and maintenance of the network stations, which is a major advantage in terms of the shortage of skilled workers.

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LoRaWAN® is a wireless technology that can be used to transmit data from a wide range of devices in real time in a low-radiation and energy-efficient manner. This data can be integrated into smart and fully automated workflows using IoT. To do this, devices or machines are made internet-enabled via an additional sensor system and digitally mapped in an internet-connected application.

The areas of application are diverse and range from remotely controllable water and heat meters to tank level measurements and the monitoring of parking lots, exits and buildings. The technology makes work processes more efficient and safe. In addition, the availability of data can optimize processes and enable new services. Netze BW's Services division operates the radio network with its own staff and makes it available to the public as a registered public telecommunications network.

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You can find us here at E-world:

Hall 5, Stand 5D106

We look forward to seeing you!

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