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Because the future is renewable.

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A different future is possible. With clean and safe energy for all. With communities that stick together. And with a corporate culture that has society’s best interests at heart. This is why at EnBW, we have chosen the path of renewal – and together with society, politics, industry, and science, we are building the climate-neutral and equitable future of energy.

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CO₂ emissions (excl. supply chain) 2018-2024

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Increase of renewable energies share of generation capacity 2018–2024

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Share of purchasing volume covered by Supplier Code of Conduct 2024

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Environmentally sustainable investments (expanded CAPEX) according to EU Taxonomy 2024

EnBW Sustainability Agenda
Our path of renewal
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With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda, we are driving forward the environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable development of EnBW. At its core lies long-term security of supply in a decarbonized world. In addition, we are making our activities more and more environmentally and socially sustainable and integrating corporate responsibility into our business processes.

Sustainability Agenda

Sustainability management
The foundation of responsibility
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Through our sustainability management, we integrate environmental, social, and governance aspects (ESG) in all of EnBW’s business areas. The corresponding standards, processes, and responsibilities constitute the organizational framework for our sustainability activities and initiatives such as the EnBW Sustainability Agenda.





Sustainability guidelines

Sustainability reporting
Making progress measurable
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With our integrated reporting, we portray EnBW’s financial and non-financial development in its entirety. We measure our progress in sustainability management using quantitative indicators in the areas of environment, social affairs, and governance.

ESG Factbook 2024

We published our ESG Factbook for the first time in spring 2024. In it, we summarize our key ESG governance structures, objectives, measures and key figures in 2023.

Climate Transition Plan

Ambitious climate protection in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement: EnBW's Climate Transition Plan uses concrete key figures and processes to show how we will successfully decarbonize our business model by 2035.

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ESG Factbook 2024
Climate Transition Plan
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Corporate engagement

For a livable home

With donations in the millions and hundreds of sponsoring partnerships, environmental and social projects, we take action for our home state of Baden-Württemberg. We focus on the areas of mass sports, education and social affairs, the environment, and the visual and performing arts.

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Sustainable finance

Our investment in the future

Financial instruments that contribute to the achievement of global sustainability goals are part of our aspiration to be a sustainable and innovative infrastructure partner. We rely on appropriate financing means such as green bonds and participate in their further development by engaging with the public and leading ESG rating agencies.

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Corporate engagement

For a livable home

With donations in the millions and hundreds of sponsoring partnerships, environmental and social projects, we take action for our home state of Baden-Württemberg. We focus on the areas of mass sports, education and social affairs, the environment, and the visual and performing arts.

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Award statuette German Sustainability Award 2023

German Sustainability Award for EnBW mobility+ and Netze BW

Double success: The EnBW subsidiaries EnBW mobility+ and Netze BW were awarded the German Sustainability Award 2024 (DNP) in Düsseldorf on 23 November. The award is one of the most prestigious of its kind in Europe. With the award, the jury recognized Netze BW GmbH for its sustainable and technical solutions "in the decentralization of energy generation and the ramp-up of electromobility". EnBW mobility+ was recognized "as a pioneer in the construction and operation of fast-charging infrastructure for electric cars and as a driver and enabler of the mobility transition".

To the German Sustainability Award