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Supply Chain

We aim to deliver on our responsibility for the supply chain in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In the EnBW policy statement, we describe how we implement the human rights and environmental requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act at EnBW.

EnBW policy statement

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Together for responsibility.

For us at EnBW and for all of our suppliers, doing business together means sharing responsibility. We expect our suppliers to be guided by the same values and principles as we are. Read on to find out more.

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How do we achieve supply chain sustainability?

In partnership with our suppliers, we aim to give life to EnBW values such as sustainability, reliability and dynamic performance in everything we do.

Our goal is to develop resilient and robust supply chains delivering products and services that meet human rights and environmental due diligence requirements in accordance with national and international standards. We are guided in this by the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Supply chain sustainability at EnBW means careful supplier selection, targeted supplier development and conscious procurement of sustainable products and services. In order to build a socially and environmentally responsible product portfolio, we attach great importance to long-term working relationships, communication and collaboration with our suppliers.

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As EnBW’s global procurement function, we consider reconciling sustainability and commercial principles to be both a source of inspiration and a challenge. To this end, we are looking for business partners who want to walk the same path, learn together with us and in doing so take responsibility for the environment and society.

Olaf Komitsch, Chief Procurement Officer

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Procurement: a key player.
Three questions for Raphael Pompe, Procurement Category Manager Construction Works

What does supply chain sustainability mean for EnBW?

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our minimum requirements for sustainability and, as a set of shared values, provides the binding basis for working together with our suppliers. As a matter of course, we use ratings, self-report questionnaires and audits to assess risks and potential. We aim to learn from and with our suppliers and to implement specific measures to meet our human rights due diligence obligations. This also includes applying sustainability criteria when selecting products and awarding contracts. By reducing CO₂ in the supply chain, we contribute to EnBW’s climate neutrality targets.

Compliance with human rights due diligence obligations is required by law. What role does procurement play here?

We are a key player, because we shape relations with suppliers, create transparency and manage risks. We embrace both commercial principles and sustainability, which for us go hand in hand. In building construction and operation, for example, this relates to building materials, energy efficiency, recycling and efficient building systems. We bring together our suppliers and our business units for this reason.

What challenges does this create for EnBW?

Environmental and social requirements for sustainable business are changing. The challenges this creates for us include maintaining a very good supplier base, availability of goods and services, and pricing. Sustainability presents opportunities here but also requires special effort and openness from all involved. We also have to be aware that we first need to invest economic resources in projects in order to do better in sustainability and climate neutrality in the medium term.

Sustainability times three: Our Supplier Code of Conduct.

The Supplier Code of Conduct is the basis for all working relationships with our suppliers. Together with our suppliers, we want to take responsibility for our supply chain and so minimise the negative social and environmental impact of our business activities. The full version is available for downloading in PDF format.

PDF Supplier Code of Conduct.

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for human rights.

Respecting human rights and good, safe working conditions are a matter of course. Our suppliers are guided, as we are, by the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Core Labour Standards. The following principles guide us at EnBW in our daily work and equally in the selection of our suppliers.

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We protect the health and safety of all employees. Protective measures must be taken where hazards cannot be avoided. The legal basis that applies here is the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Comprehensive integration of occupational safety and health is ensured by management systems such as ISO 45001 or OHSAS 18001.

We make work safe.
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We comply with the statutory minimum age for all employees and ensure that no employees are still subject to compulsory schooling. In this connection, we comply with International Labour Organization Conventions C29 and C105 (Abolition of Forced Labour) and C138 and C182 (Minimum Age).

We prevent forced and child labour.
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We treat all employees with fairness and respect. No form of direct or indirect discrimination is tolerated in the workplace. The basis for this is International Labour Organization Conventions C100 and C111 (Equal Remuneration and Prohibition of Discrimination).

We practice fairness and respect.
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The remuneration for a standard working week covers at least the basic needs of employees and their families. Working hours are limited to a maximum of 60 hours per week, with at least one day off per working week. Fair pay for employees is governed in Germany by the Minimum Wage Act.

We comply with the standards on wages and working hours.
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We do not allow any degrading treatment, physical punishment or psychological or physical coercion. Any legal disciplinary action must likewise never impinge upon the dignity and rights of employees.

We respect the dignity of all employees.
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All employees have the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. They are able to communicate openly with management without fear of discrimination or reprisal and are able to raise ideas and concerns about working conditions. At international level, this right is governed by International Labour Organization Conventions C87 and C98.

We embrace openness.
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for the environment.

Environmental and climate protection are firmly embedded in our corporate goals. To this end, we align our activities with the Paris Climate Agreement and expect our suppliers to do the same.

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All laws and standards for the protection of the environment must be complied with. Environmental impacts and resource consumption must be minimised at all times. These goals are documented by environmental management systems such as ISO 14001 or EMAS or secured by at least one officer appointed for the purpose.

We comply with environmental laws.
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Hazardous substances and chemicals are safely procured, used and disposed of. We conduct regular reviews to determine where hazardous substances can be replaced with less hazardous ones. These requirements are implemented and tracked in a suitable environmental management system such as ISO 14001.

We handle hazardous substances safely.
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Resource use must be minimised on an ongoing basis. To this end, we use resource-efficient technologies and recycle wherever possible. We professionally manage unavoidable waste. These requirements are implemented and tracked in a suitable environmental management system such as ISO 14001 or EMAS.

We reduce resource use.
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Climate-damaging emissions must be reduced on an ongoing basis. To this end, clear CO₂ reduction targets are to be formulated and documented, covering both direct and indirect emissions. We also prevent or reduce other harmful emissions to air, water or soil as far as possible. These requirements are implemented and tracked in a suitable environmental management system such as ISO 14001 or EMAS.

We avoid climate-damaging emissions.
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for integrity.

We are guided by honesty, fairness and integrity in everything we do. It goes without saying for us that the same values also apply to our suppliers. This includes the deployment of appropriate systems to help prevent any infringements.

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In order to prevent corruption, economic crimes, antitrust and anti-money laundering violations, EnBW and its suppliers commit to an effective system ensuring that employees comply with the rules at all times. You will find all internal EnBW compliance requirements here.

We ensure compliance.
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Anti-corruption systems must be implemented and no favours may be given or accepted. EnBW and its suppliers never engage in money laundering activities.

We do not tolerate corruption or money laundering.
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All tax requirements must be met. In addition, accurate and complete accounting records are kept on all business activities.

We fully track all business activities.
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In order not to restrict or distort fair competition, all antitrust and competition law requirements are complied with, as are all requirements under customs and excise law and foreign trade law.

We respect international antitrust and customs and excise law.
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All conflicts of interest with private or business activities are avoided. Any conflict of interest that arises in the course of a working relationship must be reported to EnBW.

We avoid conflicts of interest.
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Confidential information, third-party intellectual property rights and personal data must be protected at all times. Shared and confidential documents must be handled with care and the relevant data protection rules complied with.

We protect confidential information.
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Who comes under the Supplier Code of Conduct?

Who is it available to? And what happens if it is not complied with?

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Who comes under the Supplier Code of Conduct?
The Supplier Code of Conduct is the basis for our working relationships and a binding part of every contract with suppliers. We expect suppliers not only to follow it themselves, but also to communicate it to their own suppliers, their employees and their trading partners and to take suitable measure to ensure that it is complied with.

How does EnBW ensure compliance?
We aim to further develop our standards together with our suppliers. To this end, we ensure that they implement our standards for supply chain responsibility and verify this with measures such as self-report questionnaires, requested documentation and on-site audits. The focus is always on dialogue with our suppliers so that we can provide the best possible support for compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.

What happens in the event of noncompliance?
We aim for long-term and trusting business relationships. In the event of noncompliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, the supplier concerned is required to give a commitment to effect remedial action or improvements within a reasonable time. If the supplier does not agree to such measures, EnBW has the right to suspend the business relationship in whole or part or terminate it at a reasonable period of notice.

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Report on German Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act
Supplier Code of Conduct

How to reach us:

Do you have a question about the Supplier Code of Conduct?

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Where can I report violations?

Our suppliers and their employees have the opportunity to report potential or existing violations of the principles set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct at any time. Violations can be reported to:

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Complaints to the Compliance department

EnBW Complaints Tool

Online reporting channel and call center

The whistleblower has the option of submitting their report in various languages and also anonymously via a confidential and protected system. The content of the complaint is processed exclusively by EnBW.

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Complaints to the Ombudsman

Rechtsanwalt Thomas C. Knierim
Knierim & Kollegen Rechtsanwälte
Phone: +49 6131 906 55 00
Fax: +49 6131 906 55 99
Gutenbergplatz 12
55116 Mainz

EnBW's ombudsman is bound to professional discretion. He can thus guarantee confidentiality and complete anonymity.