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Supply Chain

We aim to deliver on our responsibility for the supply chain in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In the EnBW policy statement, we describe how we implement the human rights and environmental requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act at EnBW.

EnBW policy statement

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As a sustainable and innovative infrastructure partner, long-term business success and socially and environmentally responsible activities go hand in hand at EnBW. Exercising our environmental and human rights due diligence is one of EnBW’s core values and is firmly enshrined in our corporate strategy. The following guidelines have been published for this purpose.

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EnBW Declaration of Human rights
EnBW policy statement
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Responsibility for people and the environment

Our aim at EnBW is to properly comply with our responsibilities for human rights and environmental due diligence. To this end, we remain in ongoing dialog with our stakeholder groups from the worlds of politics, industry and civil society to identify who can, should and must take on what level of responsibility in order to best protect people and the environment. This process seeks to find a fair division of labor between government, companies, unions, employees, customers and other actors within civil society.

States are responsible for protecting and promoting human rights. In this context, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations emphasizes that next to the state, companies have the duty to respect human rights. The German government has introduced binding rules for how companies should exercise due diligence in the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG).

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Progress through collaboration

EnBW has been striving to fulfill its responsibilities with respect to human rights due diligence in its business activities for many years. We have gradually improved our processes over the years and will continue doing so in future, while always scrutinizing the potential and limitations of our actions.

We are fully aware that we need to reconcile the requirements placed on companies by the LkSG on the one hand with the far-reaching expectations of affected parties and civil society on the other. It is for this reason that we participate in initiatives such as econsense, the Energy Sector Dialog and the Responsible Commodities Sourcing Initiative (RECOSI) to help us maintain and refine.

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Where can I report violations?

Our suppliers and their employees have the opportunity to report potential or existing violations of the principles set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct at any time. The following options can be used:

Complaints to the Compliance department
  • EnBW Compliance Tool: Online-Reporting Channel and call center
    The whistleblower has the option of submitting their report in various languages and also anonymously via a confidentail an protected system. The content of the complaint is processed exclusively by EnBW.
  • E-Mail:

Complaints to the Ombudsman

Rechtsanwalt Thomas C. Knierim

Knierim und Kollegen Rechtsanwälte
Tel. +49 6131 9065500
Fax: +49 61319065599
Gutenbergplatz 12
55116 Mainz

EnBW's ombudsmann is bound to professional discretion. He can thus guarantee confidentiality and complete anonymity.