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Culture of Sustainability

Social & Governance focus area of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda

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In addition to climate and environmental protection, the EnBW Sustainability Agenda aims to further develop the corporate culture in terms of social and economic responsibility. We are creating the conditions for this with our measures in the area of Social & Governance.

Table of contents

Social & Governance measures in the focus area Culture of Sustainability

Diversity and education

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We are evolving as an attractive, inclusive employer to support our employees in the best possible way.

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EnBW’s HR strategy is based on the central pillars of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination, employee development, work-life balance, employee representation, and workplace health management. The targeted further development of this strategy is part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda.

With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Diversity and education,” we are intensifying employee development and driving forward diversity across EnBW’s departments, committees, and subsidiaries. The aim is to (further) develop new and existing guidelines and processes, such as the disciplinary and correction procedure for cases of discrimination and the recording of training data.

Human rights (esp. supply chain)

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We are continuing to develop our risk analyses and processes to protect human rights.

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The protection of human rights is one of the central tasks of HR and supply chain management at EnBW. By means of standardized risk analyses and processes and their continuous further development, we ensure we meet our human rights due diligence obligations along the entire value chain.

With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Human rights (esp. supply chain),” we are driving forward the protection of human rights in the supply chain as well as in our own operations: We are further developing our policy statement, Declaration of Human Rights, business-partner audits, and risk management, expanding our activities in areas such as industry initiatives, and already working on building hydrogen supply chains with due regard to human rights aspects.

Stakeholder management in affected communities

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We are intensifying the dialog with affected communities to align our projects with their interests.

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Each of our power plant projects impacts the local environment, society, and economy in various ways. In order to take the interests of affected communities and municipalities into account in the best possible way, engaging with these stakeholders is particularly important.

As part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Stakeholder management in affected communities,” we are further developing stakeholder management at EnBW with a special focus on this target group. The aim is to introduce a dedicated guideline, standardized processes, and new dialog formats for local stakeholder engagement. In addition to on-site events, digital formats such as chatbots play an important role in this.

Reporting, rating, and sustainable finance

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We are securing investments in EnBW through high ESG reporting standards, ratings, and sustainable financing instruments.

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Our integrated reporting, ESG ratings, and sustainable financing instruments enable the capital market to evaluate EnBW non-financially and invest in sustainable business models. Therefore, this field is crucial to ensuring EnBW’s attractiveness for sustainability-minded investors.

As part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Reporting, rating, and sustainable finance,” we are working directly with the capital market to optimize specific aspects of our ESG performance and expand our sustainable finance offering in line with demand. Among other things, we are developing dedicated guidelines on individual ESG topics, new financing instruments and publications. One of these publications, the EnBW ESG Factbook, was released for the first time in spring 2024.

Corporate management

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We are increasingly linking business decisions to sustainability criteria.

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At EnBW, sustainability aspects are already firmly integrated in corporate governance today – for example, for performance-related remuneration of the Board or as part of the . By linking more and more business decisions to sustainability criteria, we are driving forward the sustainable development of EnBW.

The aim of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Corporate management” is to further develop the incentive systems, committees, and processes in middle, upper, and top management in terms of sustainability.

Climate resilience

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We are increasing the climate resilience of our business model through scenario-based risk analyses and mitigation measures.

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At EnBW, achieving our science-based climate protection targets0Validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is our top priority. However, mitigating climate risks for our business model is inevitable even in the best possible emissions scenarios.

The aim of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Climate resilience” is to analyze and assess the climate risks and possible consequences such as damage to power plants, grids, and health due to extreme weather events at our sites. We are basing this on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s emissions scenarios. Depending on the assessment, we will subsequently take appropriate measures both on site and in risk and crisis management to protect our employees, existing and new investments in the best possible way.

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