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Energy of Change

Environmental focus area of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda

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Clean and safe energy is at the top of our agenda. With the environmental measures of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda, we are driving forward the transformation of EnBW into a climate-neutral company and the protection of natural resources.

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Environmental measures in the focus area Energy of Change

Renewable energies
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We are expanding renewable energies in line with our stakeholders’ interests.

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The EnBW Group strategy sets ambitious targets for the expansion of renewable energies. In this context, it is important to meet the sustainability requirements of our stakeholders such as legislators, the capital market, and customers, to the highest possible degree. To achieve this, a large amount of ESG data must be collected and made utilizable for our projects.

As part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Renewable energies,” we are implementing a central ESG data platform that creates transparency about the sustainability requirements and indicators pertaining to our projects. This will provide project participants with the ideal basis for driving forward the expansion of renewable energies in line with our stakeholders’ interests.

CO₂ reduction
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We are ensuring the achievement of our science-based climate protection targets and the 2028 coal phase-out.

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Our climate protection goals stipulate the reduction of our direct and indirect emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) in line with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5-degree pathway0Validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi):

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To achieve these goals, we plan to phase out coal as early as 2028 while further expanding renewable energies. The EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “CO₂ reduction“ is aimed at putting this roadmap into practice as well as further increasing its level of ambition.

As part of the measure, we are implementing a platform for the central management of decarbonization processes – for example, the divestment of power plants, termination of coal procurement contracts, or reduction of natural gas sales. In addition, we are expanding our roadmap by integrating the upstream and downstream emissions (Scope 3) not previously included, with the aim of a 43-percent reduction by 2035 compared to the base year 2018.

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Hydrogen and decarbonized gases
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We are making decarbonized gases fit for the future.

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In the future, decarbonized gases and particularly sustainably certified hydrogen are meant to replace fossil fuels where electricity from renewable energies cannot – for example, to store energy, fuel turbines, or power industrial high-temperature processes. At EnBW, we want to make our contribution to tapping the potentials of decarbonized gases as sustainable energy sources.

With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Hydrogen and decarbonized gases,” we are laying the foundations for building a sustainable hydrogen value chain: We plan to record all emissions along possible supply routes, prepare our power plants for the switch to hydrogen, and work with our partners in politics and business to design the framework of the German and European hydrogen economy.

Customer solutions
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We are enabling our customers to take climate protection into their own hands.

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From green power from sunlight, water, and wind to Germany’s best e-mobility offering: With the EnBW ecosystem, we are already bringing sustainable energy into the lives of millions today. And we are constantly developing our products and services to enable our customers to take climate protection into their own hands.

As part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Customer solutions,” we are developing new offerings that reduce and visualize our customers’ carbon footprint – for example, climate-friendly hardware or individualized data analyses in our apps. This is how we make the energy and mobility transition a highly personal experience.

Grid expansion
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We are developing our grids with due regard to sustainability aspects.

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The grid integration of renewable energies and e-mobility offerings is of central importance for the energy and mobility transition. In addition to connecting the steadily increasing number of power plants and charging points, our grid companies aim to make grid expansion and operation as sustainable as possible.

The EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Grid expansion” forms the framework for joint sustainability initiatives with our grid companies – from innovation, climate and environmental protection projects to training offers to the sustainable procurement of resources such as bauxite. This is how we create synergies to establish ESG standards across the Group.

Circular economy
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We are making the circular economy an integral part of our business model.

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The responsible use of resources is a central pillar of EnBW’s environmental strategy. In addition to reducing waste and waste water, we will increasingly focus on the circular economy: We want to use materials as sparingly as possible in recycled and/or recyclable form and keep them in circulation for as long as possible.

With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Circular economy,” we are firmly establishing the principle of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” across all phases of our projects – from planning to development to implementation. For this purpose, we are implementing a database of all material flows, identifying recycling potentials, and developing a circular-economy checklist and policy for our employees.

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We are developing a holistic, Group-wide concept to promote biodiversity.

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Preserving biodiversity is another important goal of our environmental strategy. In this context, animal protection at our power plant sites has been a clear priority so far. With the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Biodiversity,” we are expanding our activities into a holistic, Group-wide biodiversity concept.

The concept will serve to identify risks and opportunities for biodiversity and adopt appropriate support and protection measures across the entire core business. In addition to direct interventions at the sites, this also includes indirect measures such as training courses. On top of that, we are setting out EnBW’s biodiversity principles in a policy and expanding our reporting on biodiversity matters.

Pollutants and water
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We are reducing pollutants and water use at our power plants.

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For air quality control and water protection, our thermal power plants are equipped with modern flue gas cleaning systems and oil-impermeable catchment and protection systems. Our environmental strategy is targeted at the continuous further reduction of pollutants and water use in the years ahead.

As part of the EnBW Sustainability Agenda measure “Pollutants and water,” we are refining our existing targets for NOx, SO₂, and waste water reduction, and supplementing them with equally ambitious targets for water extraction from alternative sources, fresh water extraction, particulate matter and mercury emissions. Implementation of the necessary measures is ensured via a central management platform.